On 24 March 2023 at the Hotel Centrum Palace (Sala Venere) in Via Giambattista Vico, n.2 – Campobasso, from 14:45 to 17:00, will take place the event Co-Clean Energy Festival: Transizione Ecologica, Green Communities e Policies Europee, organized by the Consortium for the Industrial Development of the Biferno Valley – COSIB, as part of the Co-Clean project “Co-designed and implementation of local sustainable energy action”.
The initiative represents an opportunity to compare different experiences on the subject of energy transition which, also in Molise, has achieved important results thanks also to the ambitious and responsible commitment of local actors. In fact, the Consortium for the Industrial Development of the Biferno Valley – COSIB has carried out important energy efficiency interventions in its public buildings, with the modernization of the current air conditioning system as well as all other partners promoted and implemented innovative practices and tools to reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency in the public sector.
The event represents the starting point for discussing the risks of climate change, the importance of protecting the health and well-being of the population, preserving the natural heritage and maintaining or improving the resilience and adaptive capacity of natural, social and cheap. Furthermore, an opportunity to highlight the various opportunities that the European Union makes available to reduce the development and welfare gap that still characterizes large areas of the European Union over an extremely interesting period of time, even for small businesses.