The two days event ENERGY FESTIVAL: Le Comunità Energetiche e Info Day event of 8 and 9 February, organized by the Municipality of Racale as part of the Co-Clean Project, in collaboration with Studio Sigma s.r.l., ended with great success.
The purpose of the two days event was to raise awareness and generate a positive change in the behavior of citizens and stakeholders focusing on the topic of Renewable Energy Communities (REC) and on the importance of Energy Transition.
The first part of the event held on the 8th of February saw the participation of the children of the Istituto Comprensivo “Angelo Vassallo” of Racale. The training workshops at school saw the realization of different activities such as “Sit and Pedal” where students cycled on two pedal energy generators to recharge the school's smartphones and tablets, a “Biodiesel Laboratory” where they transformed used oil into biodiesel and a “Solar Cooking” experience that allowed the students to cook some eggs with the solar cooker.
The second day of the event, held on the on the 9th of February at the premises of Ready Community Library Racale, saw the participation of citizens, technicians, experts and organization interested on the energy topic. After the institutional greetings, the first part of the event was dedicated to the presentation of the Co-clean Project and its results.
Speakers such as Gianfranco Manco, Project Manager of the Municipality of Racale and Roberto Paladini, Chief Executive Officer di InnovAction Soc. Coop. and expert in the circular economy and environmental sustainability sector, stressed the importance of the Energy Transition to reduce the emission of the CO2. They focused on the topic of Renewable Energy Communities (REC) to overcome the disparities in know-how between the territories involved and need of create a permanent network to encourage the constant exchange of good practices, data and information to combat global warming.
The second part saw the intervention of Mario Gamberale, Technical Coordinator of the Kyoto Club and Head of the Renewable Sources working group who underlined the importance of promoting awareness-raising initiatives, information and training to foster energy efficiency and of using renewable energy sources.