The event Energy Festival: Transizione Ecologica, Green Communities e Policies Europee, organized by the Consortium for the Industrial Development of the Biferno Valley – COSIB as part of the Co-Clean project "Co-designed and implementation of local sustainable energy action, was held on the 24th of March 2023 in Campobasso at the Hotel Centrum Palace.
The Energy Festival concluded the activities that COSIB has carried out in recent years, contributing to the achievement of the results foreseen by the project thanks also to the virtuous collaboration with the Apulian, Montenegrin and Albanian partners. The event made it possible to analyze the various opportunities that, nowadays, are made available to reduce the gap in development and well-being typical of some areas of the European Union. “Finally we managed to redevelop our building from an energy point of view, which is the administrative heart of COSIB, the industrial hub of the Biferno Valley,” said Marco Morrone, head of the planning and programming sector of COSIB.
Among the participants in the event was Andrea Prato, General Manager of Albatros, who underlined how today, finally, the legislation imposes a radical paradigm shift where the theme of green energy, therefore energy from renewable sources, is central for the development policy of the whole of Europe. "The resources that the European Union is making available to reduce the development and welfare gap that still characterizes vast areas of the European Union, are an unrepeatable opportunity that should not be underestimated. This is why we will put all our energies into the field so that there is the maximum economic return for those who work and live in the South, like us".